Thursday, August 20, 2009


Well, I am back in English 101. I previously  took it at the technical college but didn't take full  advantage of the opportunity. This year i hope to be more passionate about my writing. I've been mesmerized by writing since i was in grade school. I'd like to learn how to keep from shifting in tense, i seem to have issues with that in my writing. I have so much going on in my life, with kids, school, working and my relationship that writing down the events of my life is the only way i can express my thoughts and not get overwhelm. 
I have this neat little journal that i keep and it is so unorganized. I'd really like have it more organized because I'm not that great on expressing things verbally so i use written words to communicate my feelings to other people. If you meet me personally you'll think I'm  this very outspoken young lady who verbalizes quite well. I have great communication skills when it  not personal  or affects me in any way. The structure of my writing is not to the best standards, I'd like work on that so maybe one i can turn my personal thoughts or opinions over to someone else who may get just as much insight out of them as i have and they need to be able to read them